Therapeutic Uses Of Marijuana – Are They Worth Considering?

Therapeutic Uses Of Marijuana – Are They Worth Considering?

In considering the therapeutic uses of cannabis, the Hippocratic Society recently passed a resolution in favor of such use. At the recent Annual Meeting of the British Medical Association, there was a motion proposed by Professor Robin Burnham Allen, “Any use of cannabis for medicinal purposes should be legalized for wider therapeutic use.”

This was subsequently passed by a majority of the members of the BMA. Although the resolution did not make reference to the harmful effect of cannabis on the physical and mental health of those who abuse it, it did express support for patients who are benefited from the use of cannabis.

Therapeutic Uses of Marijuana - Are They Worth Considering?

Arguments for the Use of Marijuana

It has been argued by some that there are many therapeutic benefits to be derived from the use of cannabis. It can help relieve muscle pain and also help to stimulate certain brain chemicals that may help with anxiety and depression.

Some supporters argue that this is an area where medical knowledge is far from conclusive, and further research is required. It is also arguable that there is a lot of anecdotal evidence that certain forms of therapy, such as aromatherapy, have helped patients gain relief from some of their conditions.

Perhaps more research is needed in order to determine whether or not it may be beneficial to the medical community in dealing with certain medical conditions. Some advocates believe that the government’s lack of research will mean that there is no evidence to suggest that cannabis is helpful in the treatment of some serious medical conditions.

The two primary forms of therapy currently being researched are the use of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC for medical treatment and the use of CBD for non-therapeutic applications. Both are being evaluated in clinical trials.


One of the main problems with THC is that it has a very high concentration of THC and can be quite addictive. Although THC can cause euphoria to the user, long-term use can cause a loss of memory, coordination and other symptoms, which may include drowsiness.


Many advocates claim that there is growing evidence that CBD is not only safer than THC but may also be more effective. Some studies show that CBD can help relieve the pain and discomfort of certain medical conditions such as MS, epilepsy, cancer and inflammation.

Although there are currently no official studies comparing CBD with THC, some advocates feel that the results are more than enough to show that CBD is not only safe but could also have a positive effect. Other supporters have claimed that CBD is completely safe and unlikely to have any side effects.

Marijuana for Weight Loss

Under particular circumstances, it may be possible to use marijuana for weight loss (as in the case of smoking or using it as a topical cream), but anyone considering using this method should speak to their doctor first. Using it in this way may also be illegal in certain jurisdictions.

Marijuana for Anxiety Disorders

Another non-therapeutic use of cannabis is for reducing or eliminating anxiety and insomnia. This is a controversial area, as not everyone believes that it can help someone to get better sleep. Some studies, however, have suggested that there is some evidence to suggest that it may help, especially for people who are chronically anxious or who are suffering from insomnia.

Marijuana Can Help with Cancer

It has also been widely used in the treatment of cancer patients and may help reduce nausea and chemotherapy effects. No one yet knows exactly how it works, but it does seem to be an option that should be considered when considering alternative medicine.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Of course, we cannot talk about therapeutic uses for cannabis without mentioning its other useful properties. For example, it may be useful as a disinfectant, and some people use it for this purpose. Its anti-inflammatory properties may help people experiencing arthritis pain, and some people use it to treat injuries.

The Legitimacy of Medical Marijuana

The Legitimacy of Medical Marijuana

Doctors usually prescribe medical marijuana to their patients for their debilitating medical conditions. When people use medical marijuana, they claim that it helps them reduce their ailments and provide significant relief.

Medical marijuana can be used for glaucoma, cancer, epilepsy, pain management, and spasticity, among others. But what’s more important is that medical marijuana is a safer form of medicine than most pharmaceutical drugs, which tend to carry numerous side effects.

The Legitimacy of Medical Marijuana

All the Information You Need


Although medical marijuana has recently gotten a lot of media attention, you won’t find it openly advocated by most doctors. The reason is that federal law restricts doctors from discussing or prescribing medical marijuana.

As a result, many health care professionals either don’t know about the medical marijuana benefits or, even worse, are afraid of speaking about it. As a result, there is a vacuum on the part of patients seeking alternative medicine and on the part of healthcare providers who may not be aware of its potential benefits.

However, medical marijuana is a worthy alternative to prescription drugs. At the very least, it offers relief from the debilitating symptoms of serious medical conditions. It can slow down the rate at which inflammation occurs within your body. It can also provide great relief from pain.

The Legitimacy of Medical Marijuana

We are Now Seeing Many Advocates for Medical Marijuana

Some doctors have begun to believe that marijuana has some real medical benefits. In fact, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recently called marijuana “a viable therapeutic option for women with infertility due to hormonal imbalance.”

The doctors recommended that marijuana be used as an alternative medicine for women in their 40s and up. If it works well for them, it may just be a winner for those suffering from chronic diseases like cancer and HIV/AIDS.

What’s most interesting about all of this is the fact that many doctors have actually written to the U.S. House of Representatives requesting that marijuana be added to the list of eligible drugs. In fact, there are entire sections of the House of Representatives that are calling for the drug to be added as an appropriate prescription medication.

On the surface, this seems like a relatively simple request. However, it does raise the questions as to whether or not marijuana has really been found to be medically effective or safe enough for doctors to prescribe it to patients.

The Legitimacy of Medical Marijuana

Schedule II Drug

It is important to remember that not every medical problem can be treated by using marijuana. Also, many people do not realize that marijuana is considered a Schedule II drug, which means it has some of the same restrictions placed on the powerful and addictive Schedule I drugs such as ecstasy and heroin.

Many opponents have tried to claim that the use of medical marijuana is not allowed in some states as a violation of the rights of patients. But this is largely a misconception as to the possession of medical marijuana by people who are legally registered patients not against the law in those states.

Marijuana: Myths, Effects, Risks, and How to Get Help

Marijuana: Myths, Effects, Risks, and How to Get Help

The Cannabis plant has always been demonized by everyone around the world for the different negative effects on physical and mental health. Dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds of the various plants of cannabis are being used by millions across the globe. People use it for different purposes, making its effects fall on a wide spectrum. The mind-altering chemical delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is the main active ingredient in marijuana. In the United States, marijuana is the most common illegal drug. However, many are using it for its health benefits.

Marijuana: Myths, Effects, Risks, and How to Get Help

Around 43.5 million Americans over the age of 12 have been using marijuana for the past few years. But the numbers have been reducing in the current medical situations and the unavailability of products in the market. However, marijuana can never be cleared off the picture because thousands of users have been consuming it for various positive health effects. Legalized oils are available in the country, but they have low-THC content. Let us take a closer look at the details of the legality and properties of marijuana.

Effects of Marijuana

A series of cellular reactions are kicked off in the membranes of certain nerve cells in your brain. These receptors bind to THC to lead the people to a high. Several users have been relying on marijuana to lift their moods and relax. It is the level of THC in marijuana that determines the effects, which could range from euphoria to paranoia. Smoking is the most common way of using marijuana.

Long-term impacts of marijuana are more apparent in the teens who take marijuana to a problematic extent. People’s mental faculties even get affected to impact learning, thinking, and memory. According to a study, marijuana smokers lost an average of eight IQ points in their teens. The most common physical health issues caused by the smoking of marijuana are wheezing, chronic cough, increased risk of cancer, and shortness of breath.

Medical marijuana, on the other hand, is being used to treat the symptoms of several conditions. It is also effective in the treatment of chronic pain, nausea, muscle spasms, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis. Marijuana has been approved to treat:

  • Cancer
  • Seizures
  • Glaucoma
  • Severe pain
  • Eating disorders
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Migraines
  • Wasting syndrome

Side Effects of Marijuana

Some of the most common side effects of marijuana include swollen eyelids, dry mouth, loss of coordination, bloodshot eyes, and accelerated heart rate. Short-term and long-term risks of consuming marijuana include:

  • Anxiety and paranoia
  • Poor driving skills
  • Learning difficulties
  • Impaired memory
  • Lack of motivation
  • Poor short-term recall
  • Respiratory problems


One of the most common myths associated with marijuana is that it is a gateway drug that leads the user to the consumption of harder drugs. Another myth many regular consumers firmly believe in is that it is not addictive. It indeed can have effects on your mental and physical health if used repeatedly.

How to Get Help

Counseling and therapy are available for addicts and marijuana users. The most common forms include:

  • Family therapy
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Motivational incentives
  • Support groups
  • Individual or group counseling
Health Benefits of Cannabis

Health Benefits of Cannabis

While the exact health benefits of cannabis still aren’t known, there have been numerous studies revealing that cannabis holds tremendous medical potential across a wide variety of illnesses and conditions. There is an abundance of anecdotal evidence throughout the world of people who swear by the healing properties of cannabis.

Medical marijuana has been recognized as a legitimate medication in many different countries throughout the world. In addition, countless individuals across the globe report relief from symptoms of health ailments, including chronic pain, chronic nausea, arthritis, glaucoma, etc.

Health Benefits of Cannabis

Here are Some Health Benefits of Cannabis

Chronic Pain Relief

In addition to providing relief from symptoms, there is a multitude of positive effects that occur when someone uses cannabis. For example, chronic pain relief is possible through the use of cannabis. Simply put, pain is not just a function of the body. It is also a mental affliction.

Therefore, when one suffers from chronic pain, one should consider trying marijuana. Chronic pain due to cancer, AIDS, Crohn’s disease, and multiple sclerosis can all be treated with medicinal cannabis. It can also help those who are suffering from injuries. Whether the accident was major or minor, the pain can last for several days, weeks, or even months. Hence, the use of cannabis can help them recover.

Mental Health

Another benefit of medical cannabis is the reduction of anxiety and depression. When someone is depressed or anxious, it can take them a very long time to return to a normal state. In addition, anxiety tends to intensify pain, sometimes to the point of making it unbearable.

However, relief from anxiety and depression can often be achieved in a matter of hours. While some may experience this reduction in just one or two days, others may often need up to three or four weeks to return to normal.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

One of the most interesting health benefits of cannabis is the anti-inflammatory properties. When THC or other cannabinoids are administered, they interact with the natural lipids found in the body, such as the fatty acids. They cause those fatty acids to release an anti-inflammatory hormone called prostaglandin. This makes it easier for the body’s natural defenses to deal with irritation.

It Helps Glaucoma Patients

Glaucoma is a condition where fluid collects inside the eye leading to vision loss. The U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that marijuana use can cause a reduction in the likelihood of patients developing glaucoma. However, glaucoma cannot be cured, only controlled.

However, providing adequate levels of treatment to ensure proper nutrition and preventing further loss of vision will provide patients with significant control over their condition. Even so, the use of marijuana helps to provide additional protection against glaucoma.

In Conclusion

When used properly, cannabis can offer health benefits similar to those provided by prescription medications without harmful side effects. Medical studies have shown that a combination of THC and CBD reduces pain, improves mood and provides relief from symptoms of numerous ailments.

Even more remarkably, marijuana use has been shown to lessen the potential for adverse side effects. While it is difficult to argue these results, more research is needed to verify this versatile plant’s usefulness.

Cannabis And COVID-19: Reasons For Concern

Cannabis And COVID-19: Reasons For Concern

The planet is in one of its biggest crises, trying to tackle the challenges associated with the pandemic. People are now adapting to the changes brought about by the virus, which has been wreaking havoc all across the globe. A lockdown was implemented in many parts of the world to curb the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Drug consumption patterns could be affected by the sudden lockdowns in many regions.

Cannabis and COVID-19: Reasons for Concern

A few changes in cannabis use were investigated over this period in a rapid response study by taking a non-probability sample of cannabis users in the Netherlands. There have been apparent changes in the effects of the medicine due to the irregular intake and availability of the product. In this study, self-reported motives for changes in use were measured and assessed for the use frequency and the number of joints taken per day. Let us take a closer look at the change in the pattern of the use of cannabis during the pandemic.

Study Methods and Measures

An online survey was conducted to study the differences in the use frequency between two given times. Intelligent lockdown measures were in place when this study was going on. Participants were gathered online by re-contacting cannabis users from a former study. The purpose of the study and storage of the data were disclosed to the respondents, and anonymity was guaranteed to all of them.

Cannabis and COVID-19: Reasons for Concern

No financial incentive was provided to the participants for completing the survey. Age and gender were recorded before going ahead with the questionnaire. Motives for increasing or decreasing use, stresses, mental health, and the use of other drugs were studies through this survey. One or more of these motives could be chosen by the respondents. The frequency of use was assessed before and after implementation of the lockdown, and it was found to decrease from daily to once a week.

Descriptive statistics were used to obtain sample characteristics. Age was divided into two groups- “young” and “young adults.” The quantity of use had to be assessed properly by considering the two age groups. Tests were performed on individuals to study the pattern of use. The assessment was also conducted to see whether the quantity of use was decreased or increased as a consequence of the pandemic.

Cannabis and COVID-19: Reasons for Concern

Reasons for Change to Use

Boredom was one of the most common reasons for people to use cannabis more often. Social motives were important for men, while women considered mental health more important than any other aspect of the drug. The changes in the number of joints per day can be attributed to the differing conditions outside. Stresses were naturally piling up for everyone during the pandemic, and it led many of the users to increase the quantity. Self-reported changes by the respondents have helped the study dive deeper into the changes in the frequency of use before and after the lockdown.